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Dr A Tamilarasu, Mr Begna Garedew
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4601
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to look into the particular factors that affect the capital structure of
SACCUs operating in the East Wollega zone. This study used an explanatory and descriptive research design. A
non-probability sampling design was used, and the "Agadhaga'ii" SACCU was purposefully chosen. The research
unit's financial accounts were used to gather secondary data. For eleven years, from 2011to 2012 to 2021 to 2022,
multiple linear regression and correlation analysis were both used for a subset of SACCU. The Statistical Packages
for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20 and STATA version 14.0 were used to examine the data. The results of
this study demonstrate that the study unit heavily utilizes the pecking order theory and the static trade-off theory
as two capital structure theories. In order to reduce the weighted average cost of capital while making financial
decisions, the researcher advised the management bodies to focus their attention and efforts on the key factors
determining the capital structure of the study unit.
Keyword: : Capital Structure, Determinants, Multiple Linear Regression, Profitability, Savings and Credit
Cooperative Union
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01-07 |
2. |
1 DONGMO Romeo Martial
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4602
ABSTRACT: This article, which is on the resilience of SMEs following the damage caused by COVID-19, has a
double ambition. Firstly, it aims at exploring the response process of Cameroonian SMEs to the COVID-19
health crisis. Secondly, it intends to highlight the adaptive techniques of personnel management in the context of
crisis. Based on an epistemological stand called ‘moderate interpretivist’, the methodological approach adopted is
hybrid with a strong exploratory and qualitative connotation. The qualitative part of the research is based on a
sample of 4 SMEs from which data are collected from semi-structured interviews and then processed using
thematic content analysis with the help of Nvivo 12.0 software. The quantitative aspect of the study is based on a
sample of 74 SMEs from which data are collected from a survey questionnaire and then analyzed using SPSS 20
software. The results of this mixed study are in two fold. Firstly, the security measures observed by all the actors
as an interpretation of certain barrier measures enacted by the WHO and relayed by the Cameroonian
Government are viewed as managerial tactics. Secondly, the behavior of most SMEs consists of waiting for
decisions taken by the Government, donors and international partners in order to build a reliable survival strategy.
Finally, it emerges that the personnel management techniques adopted by these SMEs depend on institutional
arrangements, managerial innovations and are mostly of a tactical and strategic nature.
Keyword: personnel management, SME, Covid-19 pandemic, health response, resilience
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08-22 |
3. |
Leadership in the New Normal Era After Covid-19
Ariya Phuvakeereevivat a, Pongthep Srisophachit b, Sakol Sriwanta c
, Supasinee Parinyanipond, PadiwatHeminkul
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4603
ABSTRACT: The researcher aims to study leadership and organizational management in the New Normal era. The 5
leadership qualities (Vi-STAR Model) consist of vision, systems thinking, technology, responsibility, and flexibility.
survive in the New Normal era and bring the results from the study to develop leadership and organizational
management in the New Normal era of executives in the organization. Nowadays, the "New Normal" lifestyle
after the COVID-19 crisis is the first and most noticeable thing. It is expected that everyone must be directly
involved. lifestyles that must change into something called "New Normal" or "New Normal", as time passes until
familiarity becomes part of the normal way of life of people in the society during the outbreak of the Coronavirus
2019 (Covid-19). cause a big change in the world The so-called New Normal era (New normal) is a new normal
life. so that life can move on The management of the organization must be adapted to survive and be able to
continue the business. Therefore, executive leadership is very important for the organization to achieve its goals
effectively. Therefore, the researcher is interested in studying leadership in the New Normal era in the postCOVID-19 world. To develop leadership and what is necessary for business administration in the New Normal
era in the post-COVID-19 world by collecting data from a group of 515 business executives in the private sector
and using a questionnaire as a tool. Statistics used in data analysis include statistics used in data analysis, including
mean (MEAN), standard deviation (SD), and structural equation analysis (SEM).
The research found that The results showed that Hypothesis 1 (H1) Leadership and Organizational Management
in the New Era Leadership and organizational management in the New Normal Era DE=0.418* accept the
research hypothesis and Hypothesis 1 (H2) Leadership and Organizational Management in the New Normal Era,
leadership. 5 factors (Vi-STAR Model), consisting of 1) vision, 2) systems thinking, 3) technology, 4)
responsibility, and 5) flexibility and leadership can influence the management of the organization to achieve its
goals and survive in the New Normal era. DE=0.342*, IE=0.247*Accept the hypothesis of leadership and
organizational management research in the New Era. 5 normal leadership qualities (Vi-STAR Model) consist of
vision, systems thinking, technology, responsibility, and flexibility. There was no statistically significant influence
on corporate executives in the private sector.
Keyword: Leadership, New Normal, Covid-19,
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23-27 |
4. |
Measuring the efficiency of logistics channels
Chutidaj Munkongtum a, Supat Prapart b, Sumalee Ruengpracha c, Supaporn Kortrsongkram d, Jirathwat Siributr e
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4604
ABSTRACT: The researcher aims to study Measuring the efficiency of logistics channels with the purpose of research
to study the testing of performance measurement tools (Performance) of logistics channels and evaluate the
testing of that tool and bring effective performance measurement tools to use in the operation of logistics
channels in the future. By collecting data from 515 persons Tran Slink Co., Ltd. employees and using the
questionnaire as a tool. Statistics used to analyze the data were t-test, F-test (ANOVA and MANOVA), multiple
correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis.
The results showed the relationship between the independent and dependent variables By analyzing multiple
regression (Multiple regression analysis), a method for selecting variables into the equation so that the equation
can predict the maximum variable criteria. There is a method for selecting variables by using Forward regression
analysis. It can be concluded that the variables selected into the equation are quality dimensions using Item Fill
Rate indicators. And the cost dimension by using the Logistics cost per unit and Cash Conversion Cycle indicators
has a multiple correlation coefficient (Multiple R) equal to 0.842, a coefficient of determination (R Square) equal
to 0.709, and an adjusted coefficient (R Square). 0.674 Standard error in the system (Standard Error) 26.830 The
results of the correlation test between the efficiency of logistics channels (Y1) found that the quality dimension
using the indicator Item Fill Rate (X1) had a P-value equal to 0.001, less than 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05). And the cost
dimension using Logistics cost per unit indicator and Cash Conversion Cycle (X3) has a P-value equal to 0.001,
less than 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05), that is, the main assumption is rejected. Ho The H1 sub-hypothesis is accepted,
implying that the quality dimension using the Item Fill Rate metric and the cost dimension using the Logistics cost
per unit and Cash Conversion Cycle metrics influence the efficiency of the logistics channel. It can be written as a
regression equation as follows: Y=103.789 + 1.455 (X1) + 3.035 (X3).
Keyword: Measuring the efficiency, logistics channels,
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28-32 |
5. |
The factors that support organizational innovation DD property Co., Ltd.
Natee Padchimma a, Saowaluk Rukpanusith b, Nutdanai Pilasjit c, Ruttwit Changlhek d
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4605
ABSTRACT: The analyst point out think about the variables that back the organizational advancement of DD
Property Co., Ltd. and ponders the relationship of openness to modern encounters, work flexibility,
administration, alter, and organizational climate. That influences the development behavior of representatives. The
populace and test in this inquire about. 515 representatives and administrators of DD Property Co., Ltd. were
arbitrarily examined by employing a survey as an information collection instrument. The insights utilized to test
the theory are different relapse examinations of variables that bolster organizational development, DD Property
Co., Ltd. The factors that were chosen for the condition were incorporated openness to modern encounters, work
Independence, and transformational administration. And organizational climate separately Imaginative Behavior.
There was Numerous Relapse Examination the comes about found in this think about the by and large picture of
representative advancement behavior was at a tall level, and all four components had the foremost positive impact
on organizational advancement, openness to modern experiences(x1), taken after by work Independence (x2) and
transformational leadership(x3), respectively(x4), Different R0.738a, RSquare0.544, Balanced R Square0.528,
Standard Error 28.826
Keyword: innovation, innovation behavior, organization innovation, DDproperty Co., Ltd.
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33-36 |
6. |
Strategic Factors Influencing Fruit Export Business Operations In Thailand New normal era in the world after COVID-19
Nuttaporn Prangngampleng a, Theerin Surangsriruth b, Phusit Songkong c, Arunee Sriprathumwong d
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4606
ABSTRACT: The researcher aims to study strategic factors influencing the operations of Thai fruit export businesses
in the New Normal era in the post-COVID-19 world and has the following key objectives 1. For strategic factors
that influence the operations of Thai fruit export businesses in the New Normal era in the post-COVID-19
world.2. To study the influence of strategic factors affecting the operations of Thai fruit export businesses in the
New Normal era in the post-COVID-19 world. There are independent variables (Independent Variable), including
general information, employees, and employees. Management of Thai fruit export business. Strategic factors that
influence is manpower, and budget.Service staff training and Dependent Variable, namely the performance of the
export business.Thai fruits in the new normal era in the post-COVID-19 world data collection by questionnaire
the results of the analysis of the overall model coherence index after the researcher adjusted the model found that
Models are consistent with empirical data. All 8 harmonious indices that passed the acceptance criteria were
χ2=95.47, df=86, relative χ2=1.11, p=0.227, CFI=1.00, GFI=0.98, AGFI=0.95, RMSEA=0.017, SRMR=. 0.027
5.4 The research results showed the manpower and training of service personnel. It has a statistically significant
influence on the performance of Thai fruit export businesses in the New Normal era in the post-COVID-19
world. Budget has a statistically insignificant influence on the performance of Thai fruit export businesses in the
New Normal era in the post-COVID-19 world.
Keyword: Strategic Factors Influencing, Fruit Export, Business Operations, COVID-19
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37-41 |
7. |
Trading of health food products on social media of Thai people
Phercharaporn Wongluang a, Tossapol Teinchot b, Prapaporn Kongsompien c, Chayanit Prathumrat d, Napaporn Punlarp e
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4607
ABSTRACT: The researcher aims to study the relationship between the Characteristics of the population and their
decision to purchase health food supplements. The spread of COVID-19 Has created a new way of life health for
Thai people. Turned to paying attention to health care to be healthy and more consistent. It is the main reason
that drives the market value of food supplements this year to grow exponentially according to the survey results
indicating that 45.39% of Thai people have turned to pay attention to health care. Nowadays, online media has
become an important factor in the lifestyle of the new generation. Therefore, it cannot be denied that Online
media has influenced us a lot. The researcher is interested in trading health food products on social media, which
will be an important foundation for sustainable business growth. Collecting data from a group of 400 consumers
who buy health supplements and online services and using a questionnaire as a tool. The statistics used to analyze
the data were percentage (percentage) for measuring the personal characteristics of the respondents, mean (mean),
and standard deviation (SD.). In the descriptive statistics, the statistics used to test the hypothesis were: Multiple
Regression Analysis.
The results showed that testing the relationship between health food supplement purchase decisions on social
media (Y1) of the group of consumers purchasing health food supplements and online services. and duration of
using social media There was a relationship with the decision to buy health food supplements in social media (X1)
with a P-value of 0.001, less than 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05). And social media marketing communication tools There was
a relationship with the decision to buy health food supplements in social media (X2) with a P-value equal to 0.001,
less than 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05), which can be written as a regression analysis equation as follows: Y=181.516 + 1.344
(X1) + 2.312 (X2)
Keyword: Trading, health food products, social media, Thai people
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42-46 |
8. |
1 Nur Syamsu SE M.M, 2 Dr Patta Rapanna SE MSi
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4608
ABSTRACT: This type of qualitative research through a phenomenological approach, while the results showed that
waste services are needed in building city cleanliness, for that cleaning services in order to be optimal, the
responsibility does not only belong to the Makassar city government but all levels of society need to be involved
so that people feel they have a responsibility in maintaining the cleanliness of Makassar city.
Keyword: cleanliness, waste, policy, participation, community
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47-55 |
9. |
The extent to which principals' use of transformational leadership style influences students' academic performance in public secondary schools in Kenya
Peter Ndunda Mwove 1, Jonathan Muema Mwania 2,* & Gideon Mutuku Kasivu 1
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4609
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which principals' use of transformational
leadership style influences students' academic performance in public secondary schools in Mwala sub-county,
Machakos County. This study used descriptive survey research design. It targeted 72 schools, 72 principals and
505 teachers in Mwala Sub-county. The study employed stratified random sampling technique to select 36
principals and simple random sampling technique to include 216 teachers. The instruments were validated through
piloting and by research experts to ascertain content validity while reliability was achieved through piloting using
test-retest method. Data was coded and entered into Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23.0 for
analysis. Descriptive statistics which included frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviations were
employed to analyse data. Inferential statistics which basically involved running correlation analysis at 0.05 level of
significance were employed to test the nature and strength of relationships between variables. The study employed
tables to present the analysed results. The results revealed that there was weak positive but statistically significant
correlation between transformational leadership style and students’ academic performance (R=.374, p=.038). The
study recommends to: Kenya Institute of Educational Management (KEMI) and the Teachers’ Service
Commission (TSC) to regularly in-service teachers on leadership styles; principals to enhance practices associated
with transformational leadership practices since they improve academic performance.
Keyword: Leadership style, Transformational Leadership Style, Academic Performance
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56-64 |
10. |
Gregorius Agung W.D 1, Yuswar Zainul Basri 2 and Sarfilianty Anggiani 3
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4610
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this research was to analyse organizational performance at the Indonesia Secretariat
General of the National Resilience Council by observing and examining the influence of organizational
commitment and employee engagement as well as the mediating effect of Strategic leadership. This study
examined seven hypotheses with a structural equation model using Smart PLS. The sample of this research
consisted of 140 personnel at the Indonesia Secretariat General of the National Resilience Council.
The results of this study indicated that there was a direct positive and significant relationship between
organizational commitment and employee engagement in organizational performance. This research also
produced interesting findings because of the role of strategic leadership which had a significant negative effect
both directly and as a mediator on organizational commitment. Even, it had no significant effect in mediating the
relationship between employee engagement and organizational performance. In general, this research showed a
strategic leadership role that was opposite to the general results of related research, which was the novelty of this
The results of this study showed the need for changes in policy, strategy, and leadership efforts in the form of
attitudes, methods, and commitment of the leadership of the Indonesia Secretariat General of the National
Resilience Council as a framework for implementing strategic leadership to be able to contribute to improving
organizational performance. The limitation of this research was the need for in-depth analysis to find potential
root causes which could generally be obtained through inductive methods in qualitative research.
Keyword: organizational commitment, employee engagement, strategic leadership, organizational performance
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65-82 |
11. |
Miebi Ugwuzor
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4611
ABSTRACT: This paper focused on the management of cultural convergence in a culturally multifarious contextual
work environment. With a population of over two hundred million people, Nigeria presents a sizable opportunity
for employers seeking personnel that reflect a wide range of backgrounds and perspectives. Managing a
multicultural workforce should involve devising strategies for encouraging participation from a wide range of
personnel. When people go to work, they often carry their entire dispositions with them. The cultural origins of
persons often train them to display particular behaviours at work. However, the culture of the firm should be a
melting pot and the overriding decider that guides the actions of workers while at work irrespective of their
cultural backgrounds. For businesses to operate at their full potential, it is important to understand how to
effectively manage a workforce that includes such a vast array of contexts and points of view. This work
contributes to the evolution of novel work behaviours from persons of ostensibly dissimilar backgrounds to
assume similarity in their workplace behavioural outcomes through cultural convergence for the success of
Keyword: behaviour, discrimination, exclusion, inequity, Nigeria
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83-88 |
12. |
New Normal management towards the Development of Thai massage salon Business in
Bangkok Thailand.
Phercharaporn Wongluang a, Vitoon Intajan b, Krissanu Kruenetd c, Thanachai Suborapun d
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4612
ABSTRACT: The researcher aims to the quality standards of spa business management. Bangkok and to develop
quality standards for spa business management. The spa business is an important service business that can
generate a lot of jobs and income for the country. with continuous growth and has good prospects Because it is a
popular service activity among both Thai customers and foreign tourists. It also benefits from supporting the
government's tourism industry. The market value of spa and Thai massage businesses tends to increase.
Therefore, the researcher is interested in studying the New Normal management for business developments of
Thai massage spas in Bangkok. By collecting data from 69 Thai massage spa shops in Bangkok and using the
questionnaire as a tool Statistics used to analyze the data were t-test, F-test (ANOVA and MANOVA), multiple
correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis.
The results show that Testing the relationship between the new normal management ability to the development of
the Thai massage spa business in Bangkok in 5 important aspects (Y1) of Thai massage spa business in Bangkok.
and the aspect of uniqueness (x3) has a P-value equal to 0.001, less than 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05) and the ability to
manage New Normal (x5) has a P-value equal to 0.001, less than 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05) can be written as the
regression analysis equation as follows: Y=181.516 + 1.344 (X3) + 2.312 (X5).
Keyword: New Normal, management, Business development in Bangkok, Thai massage salon
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89-92 |
13. |
A Study of Components of Total Quality Management and Lean Manufacturing System
Affecting Management Efficiency of Computer manufacturing industry in Thailand.
Theerapa wivatanasak a, Surachet Lohthongkham b, Duangkamon Wiwatchankit c, Benchaya Pichitchaidecha d
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4613
ABSTRACT: The researcher aims to study 1) Analyze the conceptual and theoretical elements of enterprise-wide
quality management systems and lean production systems. 2) Identify the connections and elements of enterprisewide quality management systems and related lean production systems with management efficiency. 3) Present a
conceptual framework for research (Conceptual Framework) and from the literature review it was found that 9
important issues should be studied and tested as follows: 1. Transformative leadership2. Employee engagement 3.
Customer focus4.Education and training, 5.Process management, 6. Data and analytics, 7. Strategic planning, 8.
Pull production and 9. Continuous flow systems where these factors have a positive direct influence. On the
management efficiency of the computer equipment manufacturing industry in Thailand. A total of 40 subjects
were randomly sampled using data analysis after data collection. The results will be analyzed with 2 types of
statistics: descriptive statistics consisting of frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation and statistical
analysis. Inference is the analysis of Structural Equation Modeling: SEM. The results were discovered in this study.
Hypothesis1 (H1) Total quality management has a direct positive relationship with business management
efficiency. Hypothesis test results from Influence DE=0.418* Accept, Hypothesis 2 (H2) Total quality
management system across the organization has a direct positive relationship with the Lean production system.
Hypothesis test results are Influence DE=0.342*, IE=0.247* Accept, and Hypothesis 3 (H3) Lean manufacturing
has a direct positive relationship with business management efficiency. The hypothesis test results are Influence
Keyword: Total Quality Management, Lean Manufacturing System, Computer manufacturing industry,
Efficiency Management, Thailand
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93-96 |
14. |
Optimizing Warehouse Management with Radio Frequency Identification: RFID of Manufacturing Industries
Aeknaree Toomphol
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4614
ABSTRACT: The researcher aims to warehouse Study, Warehouse Management Using RFID Technology, Problems
and Obstacles in Implementing RFID Systems in Warehouse Management Solutions using RFID systems in
warehouse management, and warehouse Management, Manufacturing industries of Hanon Systems (Thailand)
Co., Ltd. The research tools were Studying the tendency of more broken products and to study the possibility of
bringing RFID technology to work in the warehouse of the manufacturing industry. by technical and financial
analysis From initial investment in warehouse management with Radio Frequency Identification: RFID and
payback period and study the rate of return on investment (ROI) in a period of 1 year. The results discovered in
this study 1.Technical Analysis There will be a specific analysis of the operational processes in the warehouse of
the Manufacturing industries of Hanon Systems (Thailand) Co., Ltd. only which covers the process of receiving,
distributing, and counting the goods Product packing (Bagging Line) with the following processes Receiving of
goods (Receiving) with the following process. Product storage (Put away & Picking) with the following processes.
Dispatch with the following processes: Inventory Management with the following processes
Keyword: Optimizing Warehouse Management, Radio Frequency Identification: RFID, Manufacturing
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97-102 |
15. |
Innovation in human resource management for business administration Organizations.
Ali Sempher a, Voraporn Kumboon b, Ornthada Praset c, Nappapat Theerutchaikul d
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4615
ABSTRACT: The researcher aims to study roles and responsibilities in the network of human resource management
(Roles and Responsibilities of Human Resource Management), Human resource recruitment and labor
management (Recruitment and Staffing), Training and Development, and Payroll Management. Appraisals and
Performance Management, Solving problems and reducing conflicts (Conflict Resolution), and Employee
Relations. Innovation “in the view of entrepreneurs as a specific tool. For entrepreneurs to seek benefits and
opportunities from various changes to build businesses and Service that differs from competitor's changes
bringing new things, whether concepts or methods, to be used in work To create new products that are different
from the original human resources as an innovation-driven organization will be successful The organization must
have quality resources. Quality people must be recruited. Existing people must be created, and maintained, and
quality people must be used. "Quality people" will start from the selection of "people" who come to work.
Imagination in innovation Therefore, human resource management innovations for business administration
organizations of executives and personnel in business administration organizations by collecting information from
the management and personnel in business administration organizations of 20 people and using the questionnaire
as a tool Statistics used to analyze data include the average (Mean) Standard Deviation Multiple Correlation
Analysis, Simple Regression Analysis, Multiple Regression Analysis.
The results showed that Human Resource Management Innovation Correlation Test for Business Administration
Organizations Various aspects (Y1) found that human resource management, human resource recruitment, and
labor management (Recruitment and Staffing) (X1) had a P-value equal to 0.001, less than 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05) and
training and development (X2) has a P-value equal to 0.001 is less than 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05), that is, reject the main
hypothesis Ho accepts the secondary hypothesis H1 means resource management human resources in human
resource management, human resource recruitment and labor management, and personnel training and
development Influence on human resource management innovation for business administration organizations,
executives, and organizational business personnel can be written in the form of regression analysis as follows:
Y=103.789 + 1.455 (X1) + 3.035 (X2).
Keyword: Innovation Management, human resource, business administration, Organizations
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103-107 |
16. |
The transformational leadership of Executives in the new normal era.
Chanpen Wisunyakhajorndej a, Saroch Krajangjam b, Darunee Nuanun c
, Chatchawan Wongmasoe d
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4616
ABSTRACT: The researcher's aim to study transformational leadership for executives in the New Normal era has the
following important objectives: the transformational leadership of executives in the New Normal era, Leadership
5(Vi-STAR Model) consists of 1) Vision, 2) Systems Thinking, 3) Technology, 4) Responsibility, and 5) Flexibility.
These 5 leadership qualities will enable the organization to achieve its goals and survive in the New Normal era.
And To bring the results from the study to develop the transformational leadership of executives in the New
Normal era of executives in the organization. Transformative Leadership of Executives in the New Normal Era.
Nowadays, the "New Normal" lifestyle after the COVID-19 crisis is the first and most noticeable thing. It is
expected that everyone must be directly involved. lifestyles that must change into something called "New Normal"
or "New Normal", as time passes until familiarity becomes part of the normal way of life of people in the society
during the outbreak of the Coronavirus 2019 (Covid-19). cause a big change in the world The so-called New
Normal era (New normal) is a new normal life. so that life can move on The management of the organization
must be adapted to survive and be able to continue the business. Therefore, executive leadership is very important
for the organization to achieve its goals effectively. Therefore, the researcher is interested in studying leadership in
the New Normal era in the post-COVID-19 world. To develop leadership and what is necessary for business
administration in the New Normal era in the post-COVID-19 world by collecting data from a group of 515
business executives in the private sector and using a questionnaire as a tool. Statistics used in data analysis include
statistics used in data analysis, including mean (MEAN), standard deviation (SD), and structural equation analysis
The research found that The results showed that Hypothesis 1 (H1) Transformative Leadership of Executives in
the New Normal Era in the New Era Leadership and organizational Management in the New Normal Era
DE=0.418* accept the research hypothesis and Hypothesis 1 (H2) Leadership and Organizational Management in
the New Normal Era, leadership. 5 factors (Vi-STAR Model), consisting of 1) vision, 2) systems thinking, 3)
technology, 4) responsibility, and 5) flexibility and leadership can influence the management of the organization to
achieve its goals and survive in the New Normal era. DE=0.342*, IE=0.247*Accept the hypothesis of leadership
and organizational management research in the New Era. 5 normal leadership qualities (Vi-STAR Model) consist
of vision, systems thinking, technology, responsibility, and flexibility. There was no statistically significant
influence on corporate executives in the private sector.
Keyword: transformational leadership, Executives, New normal era
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108-113 |
17. |
Human Resource Management and Development in New Normal after COVID-19
Fareeda Ma a, Somsong Naksrisung b, Namthip Chamchoi c, Chatchanok Thammachart d
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4617
ABSTRACT: The researcher aims to study the direction and trend of human resource management and development.
of CP All Public Company Limited in the New Normal era in the world after COVID-19 to study guidelines for
preparing human resources personnel of CP All Public Company Limited to step into the New Normal era in the
post-COVID-19 world. Human resource management and development in the New Normal era in the postCOVID-19 world with a new way of life (New Normal) is a way for many people to change their behavioral set.
The outbreak of this virus changed our lives for a long time. Causing us to change lifestyles together around the
world. Therefore, the researcher is interested in studying human resource management and development in the
New Normal era in the post-COVID-19 world of executives and employees of CP All Public Company Limited
by collecting data from executives and employees of C Company. P ALL Public Company Limited 515 people and
use the questionnaire as a tool Statistics used for data analysis were t-test, F-test (ANOVA and MANOVA), and
Multiple Regression Analysis.
The results showed that the correlation test Direction and trend of human resource management and
development in 3 main processes (Y1) of CP All Public Company Limited and acquiring human resources (x1)
with P-value equal to 0.001 less than 0.05 ( 0.000 < 0.05) and maintaining human resources (x2) has a P-value
equal to 0.001, less than 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05), which can be written as a regression analysis equation as follows:
Y=181.516 + 1.344 (X1) + 2.312 (X2)
Keyword: Human Resource Management, Development, New normal, COVID-19
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114-118 |
18. |
Human Resource Management Optimization A case study Amata City Chonburi Industrial Estate.
Kitti Rungsubjaroen a, Chanpen Wisunyakhajorndej b, Pitchayanun Pholsawut c, Chayanit Srinuankla d, Wiseth Nuitum e
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4618
ABSTRACT: The researcher aims to study the relationship between human resource management and operational
efficiency in Amata City Chonburi Industrial Estate. Compare the performance efficiency in Amata City Chonburi
Industrial Estate classified by personal factors. and study human resource management factors that affect the
performance of employees in Amata City Chonburi Industrial Estate. The results were discovered in this
study.The variable that was selected for the equations were training and human resource development, and
performance appraisal. There was a multiple correlation coefficient (Multiple R) equal to 0.738a,0.831b. The
coefficient of determination (R Square) is 0.544, 0.690.Adjusted working coefficient (Adjusted R Square) 0.528,
0.667 Standard error in the system (Standard Error) 28.826,24.209. The correlation test between human resource
management has 6 important components (Y1) of the organization in Amata City Chonburi Industrial Estate and
the operational efficiency of employees in Amata City Chonburi Industrial Estate. Human resource development
(X2) has a P-value equal to 0.001, less than 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05), and performance appraisal (X6) has a P-value
equal to 0.001, less than 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05), can be written as a regression analysis equation as follows:
Y=181.516 + 1.344 (X2) + 2.312 (X6)
Keyword: Human Resource Management Optimization, Amata City Chonburi Industrial Estate.
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119-123 |
19. |
Social Media Marketing Trust and quality of information systems that influence purchasing
decisions through Instagram live channels of online consumers in Bangkok, Thailand
Nichapa Koonpraneit a, Chaichalart Prawetwararut b, Saridaa Arunruksombat c, Prachak Mahasawat d, Naruethanun Palakawong N Ayuttaya e
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4619
ABSTRACT: The researcher aims to study the personal factors of consumers that relate to the decision to buy
products through the channel. The official Instagram Live broadcast for online consumers in Bangkok, Studies
personal factors of consumers that relate to trust and quality of information systems and studies online marketing
promotion strategies that correlate with online consumers' purchasing decisions via Instagram Live in Bangkok.
Customer behavior has shifted to a new standard. Brands need to develop techniques and communication
methods that can create both interests, present value, attract and communicate goals. Including different identities
consistent with the behavior of the new standard of buyers appropriately therefore, online marketing is considered
to be very popular nowadays. Therefore, the researcher is interested in studying marketing through social media.
Trust and quality of information systems affecting purchasing decisions via the Instagram Live channel of online
consumers in Bangkok, the research results obtained from this study. Be able to use the knowledge gained as a
guideline for creating value through social media marketing. Trust and quality of information systems that affect
purchasing decisions through channels that help businesses grow sustainably by collecting data from consumers
buying goods and services online. A random sampling of 500 people in Bangkok and the questionnaire as a tool
Statistics used in data analysis were percentages in measuring personal characteristics of the respondents, mean,
and standard deviation. (SD.) and descriptive statistics used to test the hypothesis is Multiple Regression Analysis.
The results of the research revealed the relationship between the effects on purchasing decisions via the Instagram
Live channel of online consumers in Bangkok (Y1). Instagram of online consumers in Bangkok Public relations
(X2) has a P-value equal to 0.001, less than 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05) and sales promotion (X3) has a P-value equal to
0.001, less than 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05), which can be written as the equation Regression analysis is as follows.
Y=181.516 + 1.344 (X2) + 2.312 (X3)
Keyword: Social Media, Marketing Trust, quality of information systems, Instagram live Channels online
consumers in Bangkok Thailand
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124-128 |
20. |
Online marketing promotion strategies that relate to consumer behavior: a case study of
selling ornamental plants via Facebook
Fareeda Ma a, Sonthaya Nhusaplee b, Paveena Wongwittayasuk c, Vorapol Romyavorapol d, Oraporn Saengngern e
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4620
ABSTRACT: The researcher aims to study the consumer group, a case study of the sale of ornamental plants via
Facebook. This will be an important foundation that helps businesses grow sustainably. Nowadays, online media
has become an important factor in the lifestyle of the new generation. Therefore, it cannot be denied that Online
media has a great influence on us. From waking up in the morning to going to bed In addition, the speed and
convenience of online media have also been used to benefit people from all walks of life. Not even the flower and
ornamental business. By collecting data from consumer groups, a case study of selling ornamental plants via
Facebook. a random sampling of 500 people in Bangkok. and use the questionnaire as a tool Statistics are used to
analyze data Including percentage (percentage) to measure the personal characteristics of respondents, mean
(mean), and standard deviation. (SD.) And multiple regression analysis.The results showed that The relationship
between the online store management system In planning or developing 4 important marketing strategies (Y1),
consumers of ornamental plants via Facebook The advertising factor (x1) has a P-value equal to 0.001, less than
0.05 (0.000 <0.05) and the promotion side (X3) has a P-value equal to 0.001, less than 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05), which
can be written as an equation The regression analysis is as follows: Y=181.516 + 1.344 (X1) + 2.312 (X3).
Keyword: online marketing promotion, marketing strategies, consumer behavior, selling ornamental plants via, facebook
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129-132 |
21. |
Community Potential in community tourism management a case study of Khlong Bang
Luang Community Bangkok, Thailand
Prachak Mahasawat a, Natjaya Kaewnui b, Thirat Chosawitsakul c, Kittipong Withworasakul d, Archanun Waranusupakul e
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4621
ABSTRACT: The researcher aims to study the community's potential in managing community-based tourism. A
study of community participation in community-based tourism management at Khlong Bang Luang Bangkok in
Thailand., the impact arising from community-based tourism management., To propose guidelines for enhancing
the community's potential in managing canal-based tourism.Bang Luang, Bangkok Thailand. Tourism in Thailand
has been halted. In 2020, the proportion of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country in tourism
contracted from 2017 to -63.92 percent. Therefore, to achieve the target, the proportion of GDP in tourism to
GDP increases on average during 2018 - 2022, representing 22 percent, causing Thailand to have a proportion of
The tourism GDP is at least 22.92% of the country's total GDP. The researcher is therefore interested in studying
the potential of the community in managing community tourism. This time was a quantitative and qualitative
study. By collecting data from 23 community members and using a questionnaire as a tool. Statistics used to
analyze data Including percentage, mean, Standard Deviation, and Descriptive Statistics for Core Competency of
Community-Based Tourism Development.The results show that factors supporting the Competencies in
Community-Based Tourism Development. Overall, there was a statistically significant relationship at 0.01 level
with a high correlation coefficient (r) (r = 0.889). At the .01 level, the first was Promoting Effective Engagement
(r = 0.864), followed by Community-based agreements that are effective. (r = 0.827) and Developing effective
group personnel (r = 0.810) was Effective tourism management. (r = 0.804), finally Effective marketing and PR
management ( r=0.766 ).
Keyword: community, tourism management, Khlong Bang Luang Community, Bangkok. in Thailand
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133-137 |
22. |
Determining cost reduction strategies in logistics
Chutidaj Munkongtum a, Shayarath Srizongkhram b, Prachuap Ananpatiwet c, Sarawut Chaithongrat d, Chanikorn Eaimsakulrath e
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4622
ABSTRACT: The researcher aims to study on To study the problem of rising product prices caused by product
handling expenses; formulate strategies to solve the problem of rising product prices. By using the cost strategy,
Cost Strategy and developing the company can compete and develop the business to grow sustainably. At present,
the logistic cost-to-GDP ratio in 2021 has decreased. The Growth rates of GDP are higher than those of Logistic
costs, partly owing to the improving Covid-19 situation leading to the recovery in tourism and related service
sector. Then the researcher aims to study on To study the problem of rising product prices caused by product
handling expenses; formulate strategies to solve the problem of rising product prices. The research tool was by
designing opinion polls. Fishbone diagram Cause-and Effect Diagrams Sampling of manufacturing companies
This has been prepared in the form of a Supplier Survey Form randomly sampling 20 companies between
September 2022 to December 2023. which was created for research purposes The conceptual framework of the
research was established to obtain the opinions of the manufacturers of the products. Study cost theory, formulate
strategies by using Cost Strategy, and implement strategies by analyzing the decrease in transportation costs from
September 2022 to December 2023 using the Supplier Survey Form.The results showed that the reason why the
cost of logistics is higher comes from the rising oil crisis. As a result, the price of raw materials and transportation
increased. and inefficient use of container space The researcher analyzed to find a solution to the problem by
using a fishbone diagram and found that the problem could be solved in both ways. It can change the shipping
route and how optimize the use of space in the container. It can reduce the cost of transporting goods and can
meet the needs of customers in terms of product prices, which can increase competitiveness. and domestic and
international market share, including safer and more standardized delivery during the Covid-19 situation.
Keyword: determining cost reduction, strategies, logistics
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138-141 |
23. |
E-Compensation Management and Organisational Performance: An Empirical Evaluation
using Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modelling
Olufemi Epebinu 1*, Adeyemi Adepoju 2 & Modupe Ajayi 3
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4623
ABSTRACT: Purpose: The study examined the effect of e-compensation management on organizational
performance of some selected brewery firms in Southwest Nigeria.
Method: The case study research was carried out with a sampledrawn from the population, through a multistage
sampling procedure to arrive at 332 employees of the selected firms using Slovin's (1960) sample size
determination formulae. The questionnaire was used as a research instrument to sourcedata from employeesas
respondents from the selected firms. Partial Least Squares- Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) was
deployed as the statistical tool for data analysis.
Results: The findings revealed that e-compensation has a significant positive effect on organizational
performance in the Brewery sector of Nigeria.
Policy Implication: This study implies that organizations should ensure that compensation data of employees are
progressively managed electronically to enhance their satisfaction which in turn influences the performance of the
Keyword: e-Compensation, Organisational Performance (OP), Compensation Management, Human Resource
Management (HRM), Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM)
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142-153 |
24. |
Improving Students' Competence in Solving Mathematics Worded Problem Using Polya's Problem Solving Strategy
Nur O. Amilin 1, Shaleema A. Arriola 2
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4624
ABSTRACT: This study was concerned in the utilization of Polya's Problem Solving Strategy (PPSS) to improve the
worded problem-solving skills in Mathematics of Grade 10 students at Basilan National High School. Specifically,
to assessed the level of competence of Grade 10 students in solving worded problems in mathematics anchored
on the topic in the third quarter of the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC) in Mathematics 10. A
multi-layered sampling procedure were used particularly, purposive sampling was adopted and a quota sampling
were further used in selecting the respondents. The respondents were the Twenty-nine (29) males and Thirty-one
(31) females with a total of Sixty (60) students, and a quasi-experiment research method was employed. The
findings show that the overall level of competence of Grade 10 students in solving mathematical worded problem
for both the control and experimental groups before utilizing the Polya's Problem Solving Strategy (PPSS)
revealed as "Beginning Competence". After utilizing the PPSS, the students' level of competence went up to a
"Developing competence." Moreover, there is a significant difference between the traditional strategy (Controlled
Group) and the treatment group with PPSS (Experimental Group) which means that the performance of students
in solving worded problems for Experimental group with PPSS treatment is better than the traditional strategy or
the typical way on dealing with worded problems in mathematics. Significant difference was also found in terms of
gender and monthly family income.
Keyword: mathematics, problem-solving competence, worded problem, Polya's problem solving strategy
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154-160 |
25. |
Viable System Model (VSM): A Holistic Approach to Organizational Sustainability
Arista Hakiki
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4625
ABSTRACT: This article attempts to show the role of the viable system model (VSM) in a holistic way for the
sustainability of an organization. VSM is built on three main principles: viability, recursiveness, and autonomy.
VSM has been observed in various sectors and shows concrete results as an application that is able to diagnose the
work system as a whole by looking at the various advantages and disadvantages of a series of systems. This paper
uses various sources of literature that can show the role of VSM in various sectors, by presenting the objectives,
theories, methods and results of the study. The results of this study are expected to provide deeper insights
regarding the implementation of VSM with various adaptive and efficient approaches to achieve an organization's
sustainability goals. Discussion of research results shows that VSM with its advantages has been proven to be
successfully implemented in various areas of the organization in a holistic manner. Implementation can be done in
the organization as a whole, units/functions/parts of the organization and existing systems within the
organization. Thus the authors see an opportunity that VSM is very possible to be implemented in an accounting
information system (SIA). The existence of SIA as a provider of information for internal and external parties is
becoming increasingly important as today's business organizations are increasingly complex. The development and
implementation of an SIA with a holistic approach is certainly relevant for future research.
Keyword: viable system model; accounting information system; sustainability
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161-170 |
26. |
An Assessment of parental level of income on students' academic performance in public secondary schools in Kenya
Angelina Mutei Ngangi 1, Jonathan Muema Mwania 2,* & Selpher Cheloti 1
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4626
ABSTRACT: The study sought to establish the influence of parental level of income on students' academic
performance in public secondary schools in Kangundo Sub-county. It adopted a descriptive survey research
design. It targeted all (27) public secondary schools in Kangundo Sub-county, all (27) school heads, all (27)
parents' association chairpersons, all (339) teachers and all (2,663) form three students. The study employed a
census technique to include all schools; 24 in the main study and 3 in the pilot study. All the 24 school heads as
well as all the 24 parents' association chairpersons of the participating schools were included in the study. It
sampled 30.0% of teachers that gave 102 teachers. Stratified random sampling technique was employed to select
participating teachers where a proportionate weighted sample was identified per school using proportional
allocation method. Then, simple random sampling technique was adopted to select the participating teachers in
each school. Yamene (1967) formula was used to give a sample of 348 students. Stratified random sampling
technique was employed to identify and select weighted random samples per school. In total, 498 respondents
participated in the study. Data collection instruments included questionnaires for school heads, teachers, students
and an interview guide for parents' association chairpersons. Validity of the research instruments was ascertained
through expert judgment and piloting. Reliability was achieved through test re-test method where the instruments
were piloted in schools at a time interval of two weeks and the two results were correlated using Pearson's
Product Moment Correlation method. Data were entered into Statistical Package for Social Sciences (version 26.0)
for analysis. Further, inferential analysis was employed that involved correlational analysis at a 0.05 level of
significance. The hypothesis was accepted or rejected at a 0.01 level of significance. Results establishes a moderate
positive correlation between parents' level of income and students' academic performance that was statistically
significant (R=.534; p=0.011<0.05). Recommendations are put forth such as: the government to make secondary
school education completely free, the to create awareness of how parents can assist their school-going children
and schools to hold parents' meetings and train them on the roles they are required to play to facilitate their
children's learning
Keyword: Parental income Level, Academic Performance
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171-179 |
27. |
Sarah Kaluki Mutham; Dr. Selpher K. Cheloti, PhD, Senior Lecturer; Prof. Jonathan M. Mwania, Associate professor
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4627
ABSTRACT: Education is the natural right of every human being and is an integral part of every human life. The
purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of parents' socio-economic status on secondary school
students' dropout in public day secondary schools in Kenya. The article is an extract from a study done in public
day secondary schools in Kitui central sub-county, Kitui County, Kenya. The study was guided by Bertalanffy's
(1968) Systems Theory. The study adopted descriptive survey research design. The study population was 25
schools and a sample size of 384 comprising of 22 principals, 22 form three class teachers and 340 form three
students. Questionnaires for principals, class teachers and students were used to collect both quantitative and
qualitative data. Data analysis was done using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 26. The
findings show a moderate correlation (r =0.449; p = 0.036) between the education level of the parents and school
fee payment and a strong correlation (r =0.609, p =0.046) between family income and students' dropout. The
researcher therefore concluded that students drop out of school is attributed to factors like parents' financial
status and educational background, parents' attitude and family size. The study thus recommended that the
government should enhance adult learning policy as this would empower the parents to have better income in
order to pay school fees and meet other education costs as well as encourage the parents to change their attitude
towards education of their children.
Keyword: Determinants; Socio-economic status; Dropout rate; Public Day Secondary School; Kitui Central Sub County.
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180-189 |
28. |
A New Proposition of Symbolic Reaction Theory in Job Choice Factors of Senior High School Students under Science, Technology Engineering and Mathematics Education
Michael B. Dizon, Ed.D., Ph.D. Ed
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4628
ABSTRACT: This quantitative descriptive research explored the perspectives of 438 STEM (science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics) senior high school students in a 207 public and private secondary school in the
province of Iloilo, Philippines in terms of their job choices to analyze and develop a new proposition on Howard
Becker's Social Interaction Theory. The need for developing promising theoretical concepts of transition from the
traditionally-developed paradigm model of career intervention to the new normal environment was substantiated
by the researcher anchored on Becker's Social Interaction Theory used in this study. The theory provides a basis
for understanding individual's behavior and viewpoints, where the researcher provides descriptions of processes
of human interaction. However, results of the study challenged the theory of Howard Becker (2008) on his
proposition: "…People are constructors of their own actions and meanings. Individuals construct their own social
realities and perspectives of their world using responses from the environment and different sociocultural
relationships with which they interact. Symbolic interactionism or Social Interaction Theory provides
opportunities for analyzing ways in which different socializing experiences affect an individual's life cycle…" The
argument focused on analyzing ways on which different socializing experiences affect an individual's life cycle as
pointed out by Becker in his proposition. This new proposition: "Stereotyping on areas such as social status, gender differences,
parent role and sibling ranks is a stimulus of normative social influence. The adopted pattern of thoughts based on past experiences
directs people to behave consistently with group norms. Based on the perspectives of the students, this study pointed out that the Howard
Beker's Social Interaction Theory on individual's construction of realities and perspectives is influenced by sociological stereotyping and
normative social influence. The combination of the two ideas is being attributed as ways in which different socializing experiences affect
an individual's life cycle which include his preferences."
Keyword: Howard Becker's Interaction Theory, students' job choice factors, STEM education
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190-201 |
29. |
A Review of Research on Public Service Motivation of Civil Servants in China
Fan Miaoyu
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4629
ABSTRACT: In the context of comprehensive reform, there is still a gap between the administrative
capacity of Chinese civil servants and their expectations, and an accurate grasp of the intrinsic public
service motivation of Chinese civil servants is a prerequisite for enhancing the aforementioned capacity.
This paper analyzes the amount of existing literature and key variables on public service motivation of
Chinese civil servants, introduces the trends of the literature and the current research results of the
three key variables related to it, and reviews the overall research on public service motivation of civil
servants in order to provide some insights for future research.
Keyword: Public Service Motivation; Civil Servants; China Scenario; Research Review
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202-207 |
30. |
Frengky Jefri Rey S.H, S. Pd, M.H; Prof Chairil Anwar SE. M.A Ph. D; Dr Eko Jokolelono SE. M. Si
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4630
ABSTRACT: This study aims to determine the amount of state losses as a result of corruption in Central Sulawesi
Province, to determine the perception index of corruption crimes in Central Sulawesi Province, to determine the
effects of corruption on the economy of Central Sulawesi Province, and to determine the causes of corruption
crimes in Central Sulawesi Province. The data analysis method used descriptive statistical techniques, namely the
Corruption Perception Index analysis. The results of the study indicate that public services at Regional Apparatus
Organizations (OPD) in Central Sulawesi Province are perceived by the public to be Clean From Corruption.
Thus, officers have provided public services to the community in a good, transparent, clean and accountable
manner. This is indicated by the results of a survey on perceptions of corruption in public services at Regional
Apparatus Organizations (OPD) in Central Sulawesi Province, which obtained a Corruption Perception Index
value of 3.31 or categorized as Clean From Corruption (range 3.25 – 4.00). From the Corruption Perception
Index (GPA) obtained by 82.77 or the corruption perception value of the Public Service Unit in Regional
Apparatus Organizations (OPD) in Central Sulawesi Province, it is perceived as Clean From Corruption by the
user community (the range of Clean From Corruption is 81.26 - 100.00).
Keyword: Corruption Crime and the Economy of Central Sulawesi
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208-220 |
31. |
Reception Analyisis Of Spatial Planning In The Banggai Tradition
Nuriyati Samatan 1, Adi Prakosa 2, Nursatyo 3, St. Samsuduha 4
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4631
ABSTRACT: The aim of this research is to analyse the reception of spatial arrangements in the Banggai Tradition.
Stuart Hall theory of reception is used in analyzing the data. The method used is qualitative with critical thinking
framework. The research was conducted through observation, FGD, and in-depth interviews. Observations and
FGD were done in 2021 and 2022, in-depth interviews are conducted in 2023 with 5 informants: 2 traditional
leaders, 2 Banggai community leaders, and 1 representative of the younger generation with predetermined criteria.
The results of this research are: 3 informants are in a dominant or hegemonic position; 2 informants were in a
negotiated position, and no informants were in oppositional. Interview data is supported by the results of FGDs
and observations, the dominant community supports the return of spatial planning based on Banggai local
Keyword: Reception Analysis; Spatial Planning, Banggai Tradition
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221-237 |
32. |
Factors Impacting Customers' Loyalty toward Thai Air Asia in Thailand
Dr. Jirapan Sakuna 1, Amornrat Suntisuk 2, Sirichai Phromthong 3, Purithut Homudomsub 4, Kanokwan Piyanuwat 5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4632
ABSTRACT: This research points to investigate factors impacting customers' loyalty toward Thai AirAsia in
Thailand. This research survey the relations between perceived price value, service quality, customer satisfaction
and customer loyalty. Methods that were used in this research were non-probability, convenience sampling, and
snowball technique. Moreover, this research analyse data collected by using simple linear regression, multiple
linear regression, and variance analysis to examine influences, differences and relationships between independent
variables and dependent variables. This research examined 200 Thais living in Thailand and have experience in
flying with AirAsia. The research found that service quality, customer satisfaction, perceived price value have an
influence on customer loyalty.
Keyword: Perceived price value, Service quality, Customer satisfaction, Customer loyalty, Low-cost airlines, Air Asia
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238-246 |
33. |
The Factors Influencing Re-Purchase Intention Towards Petrol Stations in Thailand
Assoc. Dr. Pacapol Jakaparn Anurit 1, Patrawadee Srithong 2, Thitima Panichayakol 3, Pisut Sripairoj 4, Apithai Bumrungpanitchayathawon 5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4633
ABSTRACT: In a current economic situation, petroleum industry is highly competitive. Petroleum companies actively
compete to each other to retain their own market position even the trend of renewable energy is extremely being
promoted and the people's behavior has been changing towards the new trend. One essential place to provide
petrol products and services in this market is petrol station which becomes a major concern. Petroleum
companies try to develop their products and improve services served at the petrol stations to satisfy customers'
needs and make the customers to be loyal, while customer satisfaction continuously changes regards to various
factors along the time. Then, how can the petroleum companies retain on the top position? This research aims to
study "Factors influencing re-purchase intention towards petrol stations in Thailand" through the effects of the
customer satisfaction and brand preference. Throughout the studying flow focusing on the re-purchase intention,
this research also expands the scope to study how a variety of factors relate to the customer satisfaction. As being
reference, this research was carried out using non-probability method including convenience sampling and
snowball technique. Online questionnaire has been conducted in October 2019 with the total samples of 400
respondents who have experience on purchasing products or services at the petrol stations in Thailand.
Consequently, the data was analyzed in the aspect of descriptive and inferential analysis using SPSS program based
on the models of Simple Linear Regression and Multiple Linear Regression to investigate the relationship between
independent and dependent variables. The research findings show that product quality, process quality, and degree
of communication are influential factors for the customer satisfaction which could respectively influence the
brand preference and the re-purchase intention
Keyword: Availability of Products and Services, Product Quality, Process Quality, Degree of Communication,
Customer Satisfaction, Brand Preference, and Re-purchase Intention
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247-259 |
34. |
Influencing Factors of Chinese Game Players' Purchase Decision on AAA Game (PC)
Nopchanok Sangchai 1, Bussakorn Prakobsil 2, Akrapong Sombaan 3, Sananchai Rakkumnerd 4
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4634
ABSTRACT: With the accelerated development of the Internet era, PC has become an important tool for life, work,
production, and entertainment. The AAA Games is an important part of it. At present, China's AAA Games are
almost monopolized by foreign products. In recent years, AAA Games being developed in China have attracted
the attention of domestic users. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors affecting the consumption and
Purchase Decision of AAA Games by Chinese AAA Game players, and put forward some suggestions and
opinions on the developing AAA Game manufacturing industry in China.
Based on this study, the Purchase Decision factors used to determine the impact of Chinese AAA Game players
to buy AAA Games include the Product, Price, Marketing, Branding, Social Relation, Preference. This study uses
descriptive and inferential analysis for quantitative analysis.
The data in this article comes from 400 AAA Game users in China. They are all Chinese citizens and have
consumption experience of AAA games. The results of this study were analyzed by multiple linear regression. The
results show that Marketing, Branding, Social Relation and Preference all have a significant impact on the
Purchase Decision of AAA Games in this study, among which Branding has the greatest impact, while Product
and Price have no significant impact on the Purchase Decision of AAA Games in this study.
Keyword: AAA Game, Purchase Decision, Product, Price, Marketing, Branding, Social Relations, Preference
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260-271 |
35. |
China Studies: Factors affecting Mercedes-Benz customer satisfaction.
Ratchayaporn O-sot 1, Chanwut Tanhomwet 2, Thanyakorn Hemthanon 3 , Yongyut Srisawat 4
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4635
ABSTRACT: With the rapid economy, there is increasing demand for car consumption. Cars have become a
necessary tool for many modern people to work and live. The study aims to identify factors that affect Mercedes'
customer satisfaction, help Mercedes increase its market share in Asia and stabilize its market share in China.
The competition between Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi, and the German luxury troika is even more stalemate.
How can Mercedes-Benz, a century-old brand, continue to lead the market? Enterprises are born out of customer
needs, so meeting customer needs and achieving continuous customer satisfaction are the manifestations of our
The main objective of this study was to identify the factors influencing consumer satisfaction. The four elements
of the marketing model and the brand image model were used to identify important factors in this study.
Questionnaire was distributed using Mercedes-Benz consumers to participants in Sichuan. Furthermore, the
sampling procedure employs non-probabilistic sampling methods, such as convenient sampling and snowball
sampling. The study was a quantitative study applying Krenbach α, descriptive analysis and multiple linear
regression analysis on the extent of independent variables (perceived quality, perceived value, customer
experience) on the dependent variables (consumer satisfaction).
The research results show that Mercedes-Benz sorting should adjust the product structure, improve product
quality and improve customer satisfaction according to the feedback of customer groups.
Keyword: Car consumption, Mercedez-Benz, customer satisfaction, century-old brand, luxury brand.
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272-278 |
36. |
Projection of full implementation of pilot property tax over Chinese property holder and improvement of government budget for co-prosperity
Vincent Lam Hing-Po & Suk Fun Lo, Lecturer
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4636
ABSTRACT: According to Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on authorizing
the State Council to carry out pilot projects for real estate tax reform in certain regions on 23nd October 2021, it
announced to introduce full implementation of property tax in selected area for a trial period of 5 years.1
The total value of China property market is over 400% of GDP and the property price of Shanghai alone is equal
to the entire US’s property market value.
The Chinese government reveals that the total mortgage amounts up to 2020 was CNY 4955 billion of 320% over
Chinese GDP. In addition, Chinese cities' financial budget is highly dependent on one off land sales.2
China property market has witnessed a boom over the last thirty years. The current property price valuation in
leading cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen by any measurements including rent-price yield ratio, house
price affordability by average income, negative cash-flow all show indication of overvaluation by international
standard. The market price has remains flat mainly due to the fact that China does not tax on the property holding
like in Canada or in the US, therefore there is very little holding cost apart from mortgage repayment and property
management fee.
The article will look into how the proposed annual property tax will add on the financial burden on landlord
through increasing annual expenses as well as how the the added tax revenue collected from property tax
substitutes government financial budget.
Keyword: Property Tax, Financial budget, Real Estate in China, Co Prosperity
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279-285 |
37. |
The Determinants of Student Trust and Satisfaction in Informal Educational Institution Kampung Inggris Pare (Pare British Village) - Kediri-Indonesia
Endang Saefuddin Mubarok 1, Wiwin 2*, and Firdaus 3
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4637
ABSTRACT: This research aims at determining the effect of service quality, promotion, price, and physical evidence
on trust and satisfaction. The multivariate analysis with the descriptive and explanatorily-quantitative method was
used for this research. The samples of the study were 206 respondents. Data collection was carried out using a
questionnaire instrument and was subsequently analyzed by using Structural Equation Modeling. The results of
this research concluded that; customer trust has a significant effect on customer satisfaction. Physical evidence has
a significant effect on customer satisfaction and customer trust. Price has a significant effect on customer
satisfaction but has no significant effect on customer trust. Promotion has no significant effect on customer
satisfaction and a non-significant effect on customer trust. Quality services significantly affect customer service
but do not significantly affect customer trust. The strength value of the dependent variable is indicated by the
calculation results of multiple correlation values (R2); both the student's trust and satisfaction are significant.
Keyword: service quality, promotion, price, physical evidence, trust, satisfaction
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286-306 |
38. |
Designing the utilization plan within the distribution center
Chalita Thriyawanich a, Yongyuth Kunanuwat b, Nattapoom Ngamnate c, Surinthip Kanchanapratum d, Narisara Pooyong e
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4638
ABSTRACT: From the research on the design of the utilization layout within the distribution center with the
objective of the research. To study the general information of the distribution center. Reducing the distance to
transport packages. By designing a layout for use within the distribution center, and analyzing the problem to find
the cause. and solutions by making a warehouse layout using a distance workload model. and placement of
packaging with Facility Layout, material warehouse. Using the theory of Why Why Analysis to develop the design
of the utilization plan within the distribution center to be standardized, this time is a quantitative study and
qualitative research. By collecting information related to the inventory of materials and packaging of Hanon
Systems (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
The results showed that the general condition of the current material warehouse used to store packaging in all 3
material warehouses consists of Warehouse 1, warehouse 2, and Warehouse 3 with total areas of 506, 178.5, and
451.14 square meters respectively. A total of 665 pallets can be stored. Action. Analyze and find out the root cause
of the problem. Gather information related to material and packaging inventory. Root cause analysis Why Why
Analysis is effective for analyzing the root cause of the problem, implementing the design, and adjusting the size
of the storage space in pallet storage and forklift aisles (Folk Lift) appropriately. according to the size criteria
Pallets and forklifts were used by designing the size of storage space for all 3 material warehouses, making it
possible to know the capacity of the packaging warehouse to support the maximum storage of 714 pallets and
transporting packages during production with transported from the whole material depot 3 warehouses to
production line 3 main production lines.
Keyword: Designing the utilization, distribution center
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307-312 |
39. |
Online Marketing Communication Strategies and Value Creation of Women's Fashion Clothing Business.
Mana wivatanasak a, Thanabodi Atsawongwijit b, Thatchakrit Krittaphatmala c, Sakchai ThanabodiJirapong d
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4639
ABSTRACT: When buyer behavior shifts to a new standard Brands need to develop techniques and communication
methods that can create both interest, present value, attract and communicate goals. Including different identities
consistent with the behavior of the new standard of buyers appropriately Therefore, online marketing is
considered to be very popular nowadays. Therefore, the researcher is interested in studying online marketing
communication strategies and creating added value for women's fashion clothing businesses. The research results
were obtained from this study. Able to use the knowledge gained as a guideline to add value to brands and
products to build credibility. And able to step up to be the number one in the minds of the target group. This will
be the cornerstone to help businesses grow sustainably by collecting data from female consumers who buy goods
and services online. A random sampling of 500 people in Bangkok and a questionnaire was used as a tool.
Statistics used in data analysis were percentages in measuring the personal attributes of respondents, mean, and
standard deviation (SD.).
The results showed that Most of the respondents were satisfied about the understanding of the target group was
at a high level, but when considering each aspect, it was found that it was at a high level in all aspects. The average
from high to low is Get to know the next target group and understand the behavior of the next target group.
There is a target audience. As for the item with the lowest average, content marketing is satisfied with Clear
communication, at a high level. But when considering each aspect, it was found that it was at a high level in all
aspects. The average from high to low has effective communication followed by neutral communication having
clear communication on point, and the item with the lowest average, having a variety of communication channels
Respondents were satisfied with access to all channels that consumers at high levels but when considering each
aspect, it was found that it was at a high level in all aspects. The average from high to low is sticking to the trend
of social participation, followed by a collaboration with creative the next step is to create the most reliable content,
the part that has the least average, and cooperate with the agency
Keyword: Online Marketing, Communication, Strategies, Value, Women's Fashion Clothing Business.
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313-317 |
40. |
Online Store Management System Case Study King Power
Pongtanawat Noundee a, Pathanasuk Singsai b, Thipakorn Srichaidamrong c, Chaiyaporn Thakolkietthawat d, Karnkamol Naksrisuk e
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4640
ABSTRACT: At present, online media has become an important factor in the lives of the new generation. Therefore,
it cannot be denied that Online media has a great influence on us. From waking up in the morning to going to bed
in addition, the speed and convenience of online media have also been used to benefit people in all walks of life.
Especially doing an online business that is seen today. Therefore, online marketing (Online Marketing) is
considered to be very popular nowadays. Therefore, the researcher is interested in the online store management
system, a case study of King Power that makes brands and products known. In making the business successful the
research results obtained from this study can be used as a guideline for other types of online store business
operators and used in planning or developing marketing strategies. to be able to communicate directly with the
target consumer group. Including as a way to add value to brands and products to build credibility. And able to
step up to be the number one in the minds of the target group. This will be an important foundation that helps
businesses grow sustainably. by collecting information from consumers who buy goods and services online A
random sampling of 500 people in Bangkok. and use the questionnaire as a tool Statistics used in data analysis
were percentage (percentage) for measuring personal characteristics of respondents, mean (mean), and standard
deviation (SD.). In descriptive statistics, statistics used to test the hypothesis were: Multiple Regression Analysis.
The results showed that Testing the relationship between online store management systems In planning or
developing 4 important marketing strategies (Y1) of King Power target consumers and understanding brands and
products to set a clear standpoint (x1) with a P-value equal to 0.001 less than 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05 ) and access to all
channels where consumers are both offline and online (X4) has a P-value equal to 0.001, less than 0.05 (0.000 <
0.05), which can be written as a regression analysis equation as follows: Y=181.516 + 1.344 (X1) + 2.312 (X4)
Keyword: Online, Store Management System, King Power
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318-322 |
41. |
Developing innovative learning management to develop characteristics and skills Student of Bangkok Thonburi University in Thailand
Preyaporn Teerapornlertratt a, Nayada Sorayuthsenee b, Pakwaluck Srisatayakul c, Pichet Thongseekem d
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4641
ABSTRACT: The researcher aims to study the development of innovative learning management to develop
characteristics and skills of students of Bangkok Thonburi University1. The development of learning management
innovation to develop the characteristics and skills of the student. There are independent variables (Independent
Variable), in Kolb's model of learning styles dependent variables are, Ability to interpret context the ability to
generate ideas the ability to cooperate with others the ability to reflect the ability to present ability to assess. Data
collection by questionnaire the results of the researcher the basic descriptive statistics were analyzed, namely, the
percentage value for measuring the personal characteristics of the average respondents. and standard deviation
(SD.). In the descriptive statistics, the statistics used to test the hypothesis were multiple regression analysis. Were
multiple R0.738a, R Square 0.544, Adjusted R Square 0.528, Standard Error 28.826. The research results showed
the ability to generate ideas and ability to cooperate with others. It has a statistically significant influence on the
Developing innovative learning management to develop characteristics and skills of Students of Bangkok
Thonburi University. ability to generate ideas and ability to cooperate with others has a statistically insignificant
influence on developing characteristics and skills Student of Bangkok Thonburi University.
Keyword: Management, Developing innovative learning, characteristics and skills Student
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323-326 |
42. |
Spa Business Management in Mueang Nan District, Nan Province in Thailand
Somwang Permswang a, Sombat Auraisakul b, Kunrada Jirakitipon c, Watcharin Aumjang d, Chasyan Thanunjirachot e
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4642
ABSTRACT: The spa business is an important service business that can generate a lot of jobs and income for the
country. with continuous growth and has good prospects Because it is a popular service activity among both Thai
customers and foreign tourists. It also benefits from supporting the government's tourism industry. The market
value of the spa and Thai massage business tends to increase. Therefore, the researcher is interested in studying.
Spa Business Management in the district of Mueang Nan Nan province with the objective of research. To study
the quality standards of spa business management in the area of Mueang Nan District, Nan Province. and to
develop quality standards for spa business management in the district of Mueang Nan Nan Province by collecting
data from 69 Thai massage spa businesses in Nan Province and using a questionnaire as a tool. Statistics used to
analyze the data were t-test, F-test (ANOVA and MANOVA), and multiple correlation analysis. and multiple
regression analysis.
The results showed testing the correlation between new normal management competency and spa business
management. in the district of Mueang Nan 5 important Nan provinces, (Y1) of Thai massage spa business in Nan
province and the aspect of uniqueness (X3) has a P-value equal to 0.001, less than 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05) and the
ability to manage New Normal (X5) has a P-value equal to 0.001, less than 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05) can be written as
the regression analysis equation as follows: Y=181.516 + 1.344 (X3) + 2.312 (X5).
Keyword: Spa Business, Management, Nan Province in Thailand
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327-330 |
43. |
Factors of Success for Health Business Entrepreneurs Online Channel.
Wisanu Wasanakamom a, Somchai Jaisuekul b, Sanae Phromdet c, Sutheerawat Panisay d
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4643
ABSTRACT: More health care nowadays Causes health care costs to increase rapidly, according to the China
HealthCare Association, when the outbreak of COVID-19 has made people more aware of health care. As a
result, people have better consumption behavior. It is expected that after the epidemic of COVID-19 ends, the
demand for health products and services will create investment opportunities for health businesses. Therefore, the
researcher is interested in studying the Success factors of health business entrepreneurs through online channels
by collecting information from executives and personnel in 20 health businesses and questionnaires were used as a
tool. Statistics used to analyze the data were percentages in measuring the personal characteristics of the
respondents, mean, and standard deviation. (SD.) and descriptive statistics used to test the hypothesis is Multiple
Regression Analysis.
The results of the research showed that the success factors of health business entrepreneurs via online channels
(Y1) of the group of executives and personnel in the health business public relations (X2) has a P-value equal to
0.001, less than 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05) and sales promotion (X3) have a P-value equal to 0.001, less than 0.05 (0.000 <
0.05), which can be written as the equation Regression analysis is as follows.
Y=181.516 + 1.344 (X2) + 2.312 (X3)
Keyword: Factors of Success, Health Business online, Entrepreneurs
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331-335 |
44. |
The development of marketing strategies to create perceived value sea salt the creative economy concept in Samutsakhon province, Thailand
Kantima Aimchai a, Vitoon Haruthai b, Usadee Inpongpant c, Suttida Tongdon-um d, Chariya Boonpuk e
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4644
ABSTRACT: The researcher aims to study sea salt consumption behavior. The level of the marketing mix in
purchasing sea salt and the level of consumer perception of sea salt value in Samut Sakhon Province, To compare
sea salt consumers' perceptions of sea salt value in Samut Sakhon Province. Classified by individual factors and to
study factors affecting consumers' perceptions of sea salt value in Samut Sakhon Province. Creative economy It
was first used in John Howskins' book, which defines the creative economy as "Creating value from human
thoughts" After that, the term creative economy was widely used in many countries. Therefore, it is necessary to
extract existing resources in Samut Sakhon Province as a selling point and create marketing strategies that enhance
the potential of Samut Sakhon Province, especially sea salt. By collecting information from salt consumers of an
unknown population and consumers of sea salt in Samut Sakhon province, amounting to 385 people, and using a
questionnaire as a tool. Statistics used to analyze data include t-test, F-test (ANOVA and MANOVA), multiple
correlation analysis, and Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis.
The results showed that to test the relationship between the development of four key awareness marketing
strategies, namely: quality perception; Awareness of value, loyalty, and brand affinity (Y1) among consumers. Sea
Salt in Samut Sakhon Province and Brand and Product Understanding (X1) had a P-value equal to 0.001, less than
0.05 (0.000 < 0.05) and Value Awareness (X3) had a P-value equal to 0.001, less than 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05) can be
written as the regression analysis equation as follows: Y=181.516 + 1.344 (X1) + 2.312 (X3)
Keyword: development, marketing strategies, sea salt in Samut Sakhon province Thailand, Creative economy concept
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336-338 |
45. |
The commitment to the organization of executives and employees in Thai Beverage Public Company Limited.
Nutawach Paophu a, Siripun Kongsompien b, Supicha Phuklomklum c, Sarocha Phuhirun d, Patcharee Wichaidit e
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4645
ABSTRACT: The behaviors of individuals that were expressed were related to organizational commitment that affected
business growth. Therefore, the researcher was interested in studying the organizational involvement of executives
and employees. Thai Beverage Public Company Limited's employees by collecting information from executives and
employees. Thai Beverage Public Company Limited 515 people use the questionnaire as a tool Statistics used in data
analysis were descriptive statistics consisting of frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Causes of the
organizational commitment of executives and employees Thai Beverage Public Company Limited consists of 1.
Continuance commitment2. Affective commitment 3. Normative Commitment by analyzing and analyzing
inferential statistics (Inferential Statistics) is the analysis of structural equation modeling (Structural Equation
Modeling: SEM).
The results showed that the results of the hypothesis test revealed that hypothesis 1 (H1) general information of the
respondents consisted of sex, age, occupation, and education level. Income levels influence the organizational
commitment of Thai Beverage Public Company Limited employees. DE=0.418* Accepted and Hypothesis 1(H2)
Organization persistence. emotional attachment normative ties Influence on organizational commitment of
employees of Thai Beverage Public Company Limited Influence DE=0.342*, IE=0.247*Accept
Keyword: Commitment, Organization, Executives, Employees, Thai Beverage Public Company Limited.
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339-343 |
46. |
Nwankwo, Samuel Chibuzo, PhD and Makinde, Michael Olusola
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4646
ABSTRACT: This article examined the predisposing factors that challenge the practice of adoption amongst childless
Christians in Africa. Childlessness in African cultural context is seen as a misnomer. In the extreme, it is
considered a tragedy that comes with stigmatization, psychological and emotional pains, grief, anxiety and
depression to married couples, families and especially, the women. However, opportunities abound for Christian
couples who are experiencing involuntary childlessness to enthusiastically welcome and embrace adoption, but
this is not generally so, in spite of the ease, permanency and cost involved. The reason being that myriads of
challenges bedeviling child adoption have given rise to its non-acceptance even among Christians in many
quarters. Using phenomenological method and secondary sources of data collection, the research discovered that
many coping strategies like surrogacy, Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART), guardianship, fostering and
adoption are available to childless Christian couples. It recommended that Church leaders should educate their
couples to see adoption as a viable option with biblical support, which should be embraced to close the yearning
gap of childlessness. That government should remove all the bottlenecks hindering and discouraging childless
couples from adoption. This done, the much eluded joy of parenthood which is the major essence and key to
marriages will significantly be restored.
Keyword: Adoption, Child, Childlessness, Marriage, Christians, Infertility, African culture.
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344-357 |
47. |
The Impact of Ethic Subject (GE 107) on the Behavior of Selected Bachelor of Science in Computer Science students of Basilan State College
Muhmin T. Lamla
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4647
ABSTRACT: This study was conducted in order to determine The Impact of Ethic subject (GE 107) on the Behavior
of selected Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSCS) students which specifically sought to find out the
answer on what kind of Principles of Ethics and Most common Ethic values that the respondents had how likely
internalized and transformed on their attitude and personality. The study shown that BSCS students have
Extremely Likely impacted, transformed, and or internalized when they enrolled in Ethics subject at the College of
Information, Communication, and Trade Technology in Basilan State College, Isabela City in the island province
of Basilan, South-western Philippines, where a simple purposive random sampling procedure was employed on
the 75 target respondents who were currently taking the Ethics subject during the First Semester of the School
Year 2022-2023. The findings of the study were: (1) the BSCS students were in the Extremely Likely Rating on the
Ethics values like Respect, Loyalty, Honesty, and Trustworthiness but Ethics values like Compassion was in the
Neither Like or Unlikely Rating too. (2) A Neither Like or Unlikely were rated on five out of nineteen Most
Common Ethics Values, and these are: Assertive, Tolerance, Unselfishness, Selflessness, and Aggressive and SelfReliance was on the top level rating on the Extremely Likely. (3) The Overall Weighted Mean Rating in the
Principles of Ethics and in the Most Common Ethics Values were rated as Extremely Likely.
Keyword: Impact, Moral, Behavior Ethics, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students, Basilan Province.
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358-365 |
48. |
Elvia A.Y. Alhusni, Patta Tope, Yunus Sading, Mohamad Ichwan, Ketut Suarayasa
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4648
ABSTRACT: Coronavirus Disease 2019 known as Covid-19 is a pandemic outbreak that attacks the respiratory system
caused by SARS-COV. The impact of this outbreak is so massive that it has paralysed global economic activities
in various business sectors. With the soaring number of Covid-19 patients admitted to the hospital, the hospital's
operational costs are absorbed more for Covid-19 services. This study aims to analyse the unit cost of Covid-19
patients at Madani Palu Hospital based on direct costs and indirect costs. This research is experimental research
with a quasi-experimental design by consecutive sampling, by collecting data prospectively, 173 patients who
meet the inclusion criteria and 21 exclusions. Grouping based on direct and indirect costs, then the data was
analysed by the Unit Cost of Covid-19 patients. The results of the study were total direct costs of Rp.
1,778,635,758 and an average of Rp. 10,281,131 and total indirect costs of Rp. 1,559,095,030 and an average of
Rp. 9,012,110. The total cost of Covid-19 patients is Rp. 3,337,730,788. Analysis of the calculation of Unit Cost
for Covid-19 patients is Rp. 19,293,241. In conclusion, the Unit Cost for Covid-19 patients is IDR 19,293,241,
compared to the service tariff for inpatient Covid-19 patients using the INA-CBGs tariff after 1 October 2021
approaching level 2 suspect claims of IDR 20,703,700. There is a difference of Rp. 2,518,601 which can be used
as a basis for the local government to determine the health expenditure budget related to infectious diseases at
the Central Sulawesi Provincial Health Office, which can make considerations for additions in determining the
expenditure budget at the Madani Palu Regional General Hospital.
Keyword: Unit Cost, Covid-19, INA-CBGs.
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366-372 |
49. |
An Investigation of the influence of single family type on students' academic performance in public secondary schools in Kenya
Angelina Mutei Ngangi 1, Jonathan Muema Mwania 2, * & Selpher Cheloti 1
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4649
ABSTRACT: The study sought to investigate the influence of single family type on students' academic performance
in public secondary schools in Kangundo Sub-county. It adopted a descriptive survey research design. It targeted
all (27) public secondary schools in Kangundo Sub-county, all (27) school heads, all (27) parents' association
chairpersons, all (339) teachers and all (2,663) form three students. The study employed a census technique to
include all schools; 24 in the main study and 3 in the pilot study. All the 24 school heads as well as all the 24
parents' association chairpersons of the participating schools were included in the study. It sampled 30.0% of
teachers that gave 102 teachers. Stratified random sampling technique was employed to select participating
teachers where a proportionate weighted sample was identified per school using proportional allocation method.
Then, simple random sampling technique was adopted to select the participating teachers in each school. Yamene
(1967) formula was used to give a sample of 348 students. Stratified random sampling technique was employed to
identify and select weighted random samples per school. In total, 498 respondents participated in the study. Data
collection instruments included questionnaires for school heads, teachers, students and an interview guide for
parents' association chairpersons. Validity of the research instruments was ascertained through expert judgment
and piloting. Reliability was achieved through test re-test method where the instruments were piloted in schools at
a time interval of two weeks and the two results were correlated using Pearson's Product Moment Correlation
method. Data were entered into Statistical Package for Social Sciences (version 26.0) for analysis. Further,
inferential analysis was employed that involved correlational analysis at a 0.05 level of significance. The hypothesis
was accepted or rejected at a 0.01 level of significance. Results showed a weak correlation between single parent
family type and students' academic performance which was not statistically significant (R=.149; p=0.508). It was
recommended that the government should initiate educative and enlightenment programs on how to improve and
sustain intact parenthood
Keyword: Single Family Type, Academic Performance
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373-381 |
50. |
Vocabulary Proficiency: Its influence on Reading Comprehension Skills among Students in
Selected Secondary Schools in Isabela Basilan
Dr. Sar-Ana M. Misuari-Abdurasul
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4650
ABSTRACT: This study was undertaken to determine the vocabulary proficiency and reading comprehension skills
among the Grade 10 students. It also investigated the correlation between the students' vocabulary proficiency
and reading comprehension skills. It further showed the degrees of difference in the respondents’ vocabulary
proficiency as well as their reading comprehension skills when data are grouped according to gender and family
income. This study made use of a standardized Vocabulary Proficiency Test and a standardized 40-item reading
test from the California High School Exit Examination (2004) and statistical tools were likewise used in this study
which included mean, standardized deviation, Mann-Whitney U Test and Spearman's rank correlation. Employing
Descriptive-Quantitative Correlational Research Design with forty-two (42) student-respondents, the result shows
that respondents are good both in their vocabulary proficiency and reading proficiency with the mean of 24.00
and 17.95 with SD of 7.51 and 6.25. Further, a positive strong correlation was seen between the vocabulary
proficiency and reading comprehension skills while no significant difference was found in the vocabulary
proficiency and reading comprehension skills when data are classified according to gender and family income.
Keyword: Vocabulary Proficiency, Reading Comprehension Skills, Gender, Family Income
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382-395 |
51. |
Nestor Ndubuisi Amahalu 1; Chibuike Charles Okudo 2; Ezechukwu Beatrice O 3
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4651
ABSTRACT: This study examined the nexus between diversification and financial performance of quoted
commercial banks in Nigeria. Diversification was measured with investment in debt securities, investment in
equity securities and investment in subsidiaries while Return on Assets was used as a proxy for financial
performance. Three hypotheses were formulated and statistically tested at 5 per cent level of significance.
Thirteen (13) quoted commercial banks constituted the sample size of this study between 2009 and 2022. Ex-Post
facto research design was adopted while secondary data were extracted from the annual reports and accounts of the
sampled banks and were analysed using E-Views 10 statistical software. The study employed descriptive statistics
and inferential statistics using Pearson correlation and Panel Least Square (PLS) regression analysis. Findings from
the empirical analysis showed that investment in debt securities, investment in equity securities and investment in
subsidiaries have a significant positive relationship with return on assets of quoted commercial banks in Nigeria at
5 per cent level of significance respectively. It was recommended inter alia that commercial banks should expound
their diversification techniques so as to adequately manage the financial risks resulting from the increased financial
innovations in the banking sector. Also, the banking institution should explore the use of derivatives to mitigate
the financial asset risks.
Keyword: Investment in Debt Securities, Investment in Equity Securities, Investment in Subsidiaries, Return On Assets
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396-406 |
52. |
Minh Huong To
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4652
ABSTRACT: As banks and venture capital firms increase investment in this industry, the globe has seen significant
advances connected to financial technology (fintech), which has brought numerous advantages for consumers of
financial services but also possible concerns. The private lending industry is becoming increasingly varied, as are
the lending business models, particularly with the growth of P2P internet lending. A robust p2p ecosystem is now
being developed by state management organizations like the State Bank of Vietnam, promoting innovation, risk
management, and user safety. The State Bank is the dominant entity in this process among ministries and sectors,
with Sandbox being one of the top options. To promulgate a formal legislative and regulatory framework, the
State Bank of Vietnam must research and implement the regulatory sandbox management technique by worldwide
best practices. The article will examine the theoretical underpinnings of peer-to-peer lending, draw on
international experience, and use evolutionary game theory as a predicate to establishing an evolutionary game
model between online lending companies, between companies and regulators, while also analyzing the
development and stability of the model, providing the theoretical underpinnings for the choice of the online
lending model and state supervision.
Keyword: state regulation, evolutionary game theory, P2P online lending company, online lending operation model
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407-419 |
53. |
In-vitro antimicrobial activity of Acacia farnesiana & Rosmarinus officinalis crude extract and isolated compounds against foodborne pathogens
Nabila H Saleema, Abeer R Abdelhalimb, Areej M Alghoulc, Shaymaa H. Abdel-Rhmanb
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4653
ABSTRACT: This study aims at evaluating the antimicrobial activity of the extracts derived from Acacia farnesiana and
Rosmarinus officinalis. The two medicinal plants are used traditionally in Al-Madinah Al-Munawarah for the
treatment of diarrhea. The bioassay-guided fractionation of the ethanol extract and further purification of the
most antibacterial active fraction led to the isolation and identification of carnosol from Rosmarinus officinalis, Ogalloyl-D-glucopyranose, and 5, 6, 3', 5' tetrahydroxy 7,8, 4' trimethoxy flavones from Acacia farnesiana. The
ethanolic extracts and the three isolated compounds were screened against both Gram-positive bacteria, Bacillus
cereus and Staphylococcus aureus, and Gram-negative bacteria, Escherichia coli. The crude extracts and compounds
showed antimicrobial activities against most of the strains with Gram-negative strains being more resistant. The
inhibitory effect of carnosol started at 500 µg/ml with an inhibition zone of 7.3 against S. aureus. Rosmarinus
officinalis extract and O-galloyl-D-glucopyranose inhibited B. cereus growth at a concentration of 250 µg/ml and 125
µg/ml with 10.1 and 11.3 mm inhibition zones, respectively. Carnosol suppressed S. aureus and B. cereus at
concentrations of 500 and 125 µg/ml with 11.1 and 9.1 mm inhibition zones respectively. Acacia farnesiana extract
inhibited the growth of B. cereus, S. aureus, and E. coli at a concentration of 125 µg/ml with an inhibition zone of
10.5, 7.2 and 12.8 mm, respectively. The presented data show that Acacia farnesiana and Rosmarinus officinalis could
potentially use as an attractive alternative to control food poisoning bacteria and as a natural source of food
Keyword: Antimicrobial activity, Acacia farnesiana , Rosmarinus officinalis and foodborn pathogens
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420-426 |
54. |
Zama Nthua Mkwananzi and Onias Mafa
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4654
ABSTRACT: The focus of the study was to explore how dual governance has impacted the roles of traditional leaders
in forest management and to suggest strategies that can be adopted to mitigate the challenges. The study was
persuaded by an interpretivism research philosophy and subsequently, it adopted a qualitative research
methodology and a case study design. The study population was composed of traditional leaders, elected
representatives, judiciary, and government officials. A purposive sampling strategy was used to sample 30 research
participants comprising 25 traditional leaders, 1 Member of Parliament, 2 Councillors, 1 Magistrate and 1 District
Development Co-ordinator. Data was collected using a self-administered open-ended questionnaire which was
distributed to sampled participants and key informants' interviews. Collected data were analysed using thematic
content analysed data was presented in narrative form. The study revealed that the roles of traditional leaders in
forest management were affected by the duality of governance whose roots were traced to the Order of Council
of 1898, among other repressive laws that the colonial system used to undermine traditional leaders. The study
findings revealed that, while the roles of traditional leaders were underpinned by legislation and accepted by the
general public, there were serious challenges affecting traditional; leaders, chief among them, the failure of
government in fully involve Chiefs and other traditional leaders in forest and environment management
programmes. Furthermore, the study concluded that the current legislation impedes the roles of traditional leaders
in forest management in the context of the three tiers of government and the State in general as witnessed by the
role conflict between traditional leaders on one hand and government officials and organs of the State. The study
then recommended the strengthening of the traditional governance system within the framework of the duality of
governance through the amendment of relevant legislation to enable traditional leaders to effectively participate in
the governance of the country in all tiers of government. This study recommended among other things that, they
must be a harmony in all pieces of legislation that deal with the environment, multi-sector engagement in the
planning of the forests and adequate financial support to all agencies of government, institutions and other
Keyword: the duality of governance, traditional leaders, customary law.
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427-439 |
55. |
Organizational Commitment Model and Leadership Style to Improve Managerial Performance on Manufacturing Company in Banten Province
Elvin Bastian
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJMSSSR.2022.4655
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of organizational commitment and leadership
style on managerial performance. Where is the importance of the two exogenous components in the context of
building managerial performance? The degree to which a manager is able to push and increase the competitive
performance of other businesses determines the success of a company. This study is a sort of quantitative
research, and information was gathered from respondents, specifically middle managers who work in
manufacturing enterprises in Banten Province, utilizing primary data and questionnaires. Structured Equation
Modeling (SEM), partial Least Square (PLS) Path Modeling, and analysis tools SmartPLS 2.0 are the analytical
techniques employed. The findings of this study show that commitment organization has a significant impact on
managerial performance and leadership style.alternative to control food poisoning bacteria and as a natural source
of food preservatives.
Keyword: Commitment Organization,Leadership Style, Managerial Performance, and Manufacture.
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440-450 |
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