International Journal of Management Studies and Social Science Research

Open access publishing

The International Journal of Management Studies and Social Science Research [IJMSSSR] is a multidisciplinary ouble-blind peer-reviewed, open-access journal that is hosted and published by the International Journal of Management Studies and Social Science Research. The IJMSSSR welcomes the submission of Management and Social Sciences all fields for this year 2022.

International Journal of Management Studies and Social Science Research [IJMSSSR] - Call for Academic Papers\ Call for Research Papers: - 2025 volume 7 issue 1 - January - February:- International Journal of Management Studies and Social Science Research [IJMSSSR]

Manuscript /paper submission guideline:

You can also submit your manuscript/paper via email

Email: ([email protected]) or ([email protected])

Online submission :-Manuscript online submission

Global in scope and authorship, International Journal of Management Studies and Social Science Research [IJMSSSR] bridges the gap across social science communities vis a vis its multiple disciplines with a view of sharing information and to provide a platform for debate with the widest possible audience, researchers, academicians and managerial experts. The IJMSSSR has a particular interest in trans-disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches focusing on the issues relevant in contemporary world. It serves as a forum for review, reflection and discussion informed by the results of recent and ongoing research.

The Journal accepts original empirical Research Papers, Articles, Research Letters, Book Reviews, Conceptual Notes, Executive Summary and Report. Contributions rooted in the Indian or International context and reflecting the ethos of Management and Social Sciences are encouraged.

Themes of Interest


IJMESSR covers the diverse areas of Management such as Marketing, International Business, Human Resource Management (HRM),Office Administration/Management, Operations Research, Operations Management, Organizational Behavior and Theory, Banking & Finance, Marketing, Operation &supply chain management, Management information system ,Entrepreneurship, Strategic Management, Organizational Development, Production/Operations,Purchasing/Materials Management, Policy making, Technology/Innovation, Tourism and Hospitality, Leisure, Transportation/Physical Distribution, Rural/agricultural Management, Knowledge Management, Business Ethics, Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility, etc.

Social Sciences

Anthropology, Sociology, Social Work, Social Welfare, Economics, Political Science, Psychology, Development Studies, Population Studies, Corporate Governance, Cross-Cultural Studies, Women Studies, Religious Studies, , Linguistics, Education, Ethics and Politics of Social Sciences, etc. Authors are invited to submit their research paper in the area of business/commerce and administration. The research paper will be published upon successful review and all issues of the journal are available for open online access,Analyzing Mathematics; Anthropology; Archaeology; Art history; classroom Cultures and Practices; Collaborative creativity; Cultural studies; Development studies; Education; Education for Sustainable Development; Education theory; Educational Research; Educational technology; Emotional Aspects of Learning Disabilities; English literature; Epistemological; Global studies; Glossary of education terms; Human culture; Human Development; Human rights education; Humanism; Humanists; Humanities; Law; Learning Environments; Linguistics; Linguistics; Literature; Literature; Mind uploading; Music; Music Education; Natural sciences; Oriental studies; Outcomes of teaching; Outline of education; Performing arts; Philosophy and ethics; Philosophy; Progressive education; Religion; Semiotics; Social and Institutional Analysis; Sociology of education; Theology and religious studies; Unschooling Visual etc.

The General Information, Submission Guidelines and About IJMSSSR related documents are attached for your kind reference.Email all three files (Cover Letter, Title Page and Manuscript) in MS Word Format as attachment to The Editor, IJMSSSR ([email protected] or Manuscript online submission)

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